Materials: old t-shirts, scissors, staples or needle and thread

  • cut the t-shirt into 3 strips about 40 cm long
  • tie them together at the top
  • take two strips from the left side and make a knot, then do the same from the right side
  • you can also brade it but for my little daughter it was easier to make knots
  • keep making knots until you have your desired length
  • put two ends together and sew it or staple it

Narukvice od starih majica

Potrebno: stare šarene majice, makaze, heftarica ili igla i konac

  • izrežite 3 tanke oko 40 cm duge trakice od starih majica
  • spojite ih sa jedne strane
  • naizmjenično sa lijeve dvije trakice pa sa desne dvije pravite čvorove sve dok ne dođete do željene dužine narukvice
  • ako želite možete vezati pletenicu ali mojoj maloj čerkici je bilo praviti čvorove
  • spojite dva kraja (zašijte, zaheftajte ili napravite čvor)

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