Materials: colored paper, scissors, glue , decorations , elastic cord


  • make paper cones
  • align the bottom with scissors
  • decorate as you wish (shiny crown, butterflies , flowers or old Christmas tree decoration)
  • poke a hole near the edge and thread the elastic cord through it. Tie a knot and repeat the same on the other side.

Children will be thrilled with these colorful birthday hats.

Rođendanske kapice

Potrebno: papir u boji, makaze, ljepilo, ukrasi, gumeni konac


  • napravite fišeke u željenoj veličini
  • poravnajte dno makazama
  • ukrasite po želji (mi smo lijepili sjajne krune, leptiriće, cvjetiće i stare ukrase za jelku)
  • na dnu kapice probušite dvije rupice nasuprot jedna drugoj
  • provucite gumeni konac u odgovarajučoj dužini i zavežite

Djeca će biti oduševljena šarenim rođendanskim kapicama.

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